Webinar Speaker

Benoît Lamarche is Full Professor at the School of Nutrition and Scientific Director of the FRQS-funded Research Centre NUTRISS - Nutrition, santé et société. He has published more than 400 peer-reviewed papers on physiological, clinical, epidemiological and public health issues related to food and health. He has contributed the training of more than 70 MSc, PhD students and postdocs. He has received numerous awards, including awards from the Société québécoise de lipidologie, de nutrition et de métabolisme (Prix des Fondateurs, 2013) and the Canadian Nutrition Society (Centrum New Investigator Award, 2011 and the Khursheed Jeejeebhoy Award, 2020). He has co-written two books with the acclaimed Chef Jean Soulard on the topics of nutrition, sport and health. Benoît Lamarche is an Olympian (1984, 1988) in long track speed skating.