Article Guide to the Food Label – Beyond the Numbers This new resource addresses the most common areas of food label confusion and aims to support your education efforts with patients and clients.
Article Unlocking the dairy matrix: More than the sum of its nutrients Expand your understanding on the health effects of the food and dairy matrix.
Article Adherence to the 2019 Canada’s Food Guide and the risk of nutrient inadequacy in older adults Learn more about a study linking inadequate intake for certain nutrients to adherence to the 2019 Canada’s Food Guide.
Webinar The contributions of animal source food for improved health and nutrition: A webinar with the FAO Watch a new webinar on the contribution of terrestrial animal source food to healthy diets.
Article The contribution of terrestrial animal source food to healthy diets for improved nutrition and health outcomes Read a summary of the new report by the FAO on the contributions of terrestrial animal source foods in supporting health throughout the lifecycle.
Article The Importance of Dietary Pattern Approaches and the Food Matrix Read an article on the importance of a dietary patterns approach when designing nutrition strategies.