Webinar Speaker

Professor Alice Stanton

ALICE STANTON, PhD - RCSI University of Medicine & Health Sciences

Professor Alice Stanton is a clinician scientist. Current roles include: Professor of Cardiovascular Therapeutics at the RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences, and Consultant concerning Healthy Sustainable Diets. She served on the Committee developing “Ireland’s Agri-food Strategy to 2030”, and as an Assembly Member for the Horizon Europe Cancer Mission. She is a Member of the Irish Climate and Health Coalition, the World Action on Salt, Sugar and Health (WASSH), Meat Technology Ireland, and the Scientific Council of World Farmers Organisation. She has authored in excess of 150 peer-reviewed published papers (Scopus h-index 60), and delivered many lectures concerning evidence-based healthy diets from sustainable food systems. Recently, she authored an important perspective, published in npj Science of Food, which robustly questions the use of substandard metrics in policy decisions which mandate large reductions in animal-source foods. 

By Alice Stanton

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