
Looking for a simple way to stay up to date on the latest science relating to nutrition and health? Our growing selection of webinars is here to help support your continuing education, so you can translate current evidence into your practice. Learn about areas of interest ranging from protein, bone health and osteoporosis to sustainable diets and the environment, the DASH diet, saturated fats and cardiovascular health, diabetes, plus more.


Diet, CVD and Mortality: State of the Evidence

Ready to learn more about the latest scientific evidence on saturated fat and its association with CVD outcomes and mortality? Watch this webinar designed for health professionals.


Saturated fat and cardiovascular disease: Then and now

In today’s world one can find studies, guidelines, and popular press articles both espousing the benefits of reduced saturated fat as a means of reducing cardiovascular disease, as well as advocating that saturated fat is unrelated to heart attack and stroke or in some cases even beneficial in preventing these diseases.

White background with colorful images of food
Symposium 2015

Sustainability of the global food supply

Scientific and technological developments over the last century transformed our food supply into a global, enormously complex, and extremely sophisticated system that has successfully achieved a safe, nutritious, abundant, and sustainable food supply for healthier people everywhere.