Symposium 2017

Celebrating Women`s Health

Symposium Speaker

Angela Alberga, PhD


Assistant Professor
Department of Exercise Science
Concordia University

Born and raised in Montreal, Dr. Angela ​Alberga completed her BSc (Major Exercise Science, Minor Psychology) at Concordia University. She then completed her MSc and PhD in the School of Human Kinetics, specializing in exercise physiology at the University of Ottawa.

She was awarded a Canadian Diabetes Association Doctoral Research Award for her research focused on improving the cardiometabolic health of children and adolescents with obesity through exercise. It is through these experiences that she learned how prevalent and harmful weight-based stigma are and has since been devoted to research, teaching and knowledge translation efforts to reduce weight discrimination in society. Dr. Alberga was awarded a Banting Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Postdoctoral Fellowship by the Federal Government of Canada at the University of Calgary supporting her research on weight stigma reduction in education, healthcare and public policy.

Dr. Alberga is now an Assistant Professor in the Department of Exercise Science at Concordia University in Montreal, Quebec. Dr. Alberga’s research program focuses on better understanding how (i) societal, and (ii) school and other institutional factors, influence weight-related issues including obesity, eating disorders, physical inactivity and weight stigma.

Alongside her interdisciplinary research training in health promotion and disease prevention, she has over 15 years of experience working with children, youth and adults as a camp counselor, educator, mentor, coach, instructor, personal trainer and clinical exercise physiologist in academic and community settings across Canada.

By Angela Alberga

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